Supply Chain Code of Conducts Standards Policy


H.S Cool Point is committed to conducting its business with the highest ethical standards and social responsibility throughout its entire supply chain. This Supply Chain Code of Conduct Standards policy outlines our expectations for all our suppliers, ensuring the fair treatment of workers, respect for human rights, and responsible environmental practices.

Scope of the Policy:

This policy applies to all direct and indirect suppliers of H.S Cool Point, including manufacturers, subcontractors, raw material suppliers, service providers, and any other entities involved in the production and delivery of our products.

Standards and Expectations:

Labor and Human Rights:

  • No forced labor or child labor: Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations prohibiting forced labor and child labor. This includes verifying the age of all workers and ensuring they are not under the legal working age.
  • Freedom of association and collective bargaining: Workers should have the right to join or form unions without fear of retaliation.
  • Non-discrimination: Suppliers must not discriminate against workers based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other protected characteristic.
  • Fair wages and benefits: Wages must be set in accordance with local laws and regulations, and should provide workers with a decent standard of living. Suppliers should also offer appropriate benefits, such as health insurance and paid leave.
  • Safe and healthy working conditions: Workplaces must be safe and free from hazards. Suppliers must provide appropriate safety equipment and training to workers.
  • Working hours: Working hours should not exceed legal limits and overtime should be voluntary and compensated fairly.

Environmental Responsibility:

  • Compliance with environmental laws and regulations: Suppliers must comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations in their countries.
  • Pollution prevention and control: Suppliers must implement measures to minimize their environmental impact, including reducing water and air pollution, and managing waste responsibly.
  • Resource conservation: Suppliers should strive to conserve resources, such as energy, water, and raw materials.
  • Sustainable practices: Suppliers are encouraged to adopt sustainable practices throughout their operations, such as using recycled materials and renewable energy sources.

Business Ethics and Transparency:

  • No bribery or corruption: Suppliers must not engage in any form of bribery, corruption, or extortion.
  • Fair competition: Suppliers must conduct their business with integrity and avoid any unfair trade practices.
  • Conflict of interest: Suppliers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest to H.S Cool Point promptly.
  • Accurate recordkeeping: Suppliers must maintain accurate and complete records of their operations.
  • Anti-money laundering: Suppliers must have measures in place to prevent money laundering and other financial crimes.

Implementation and Monitoring:

  • Communication: This policy will be communicated to all existing and potential suppliers through contracts, supplier manuals, and training programs.
  • Due diligence: H.S Cool Point will conduct due diligence on all potential suppliers to assess their compliance with this policy.
  • Audits: Regular audits will be conducted by H.S Cool Point or accredited third-party auditors to verify compliance with this policy.
  • Training and support: H.S Cool Point will offer training and support to suppliers to help them understand and implement this policy.
  • Non-compliance: H.S Cool Point reserves the right to take corrective action, including termination of contracts, with suppliers who fail to comply with this policy.


  • Suppliers are encouraged to report any suspected violations of this policy to H.S Cool Point through designated reporting channels, which will be kept confidential.

Continuous Improvement:

H.S Cool Point is committed to continuously improving its Supply Chain Code of Conduct Standards and monitoring its effectiveness. We encourage feedback from all stakeholders, including suppliers, customers, and NGOs.


By implementing this comprehensive Supply Chain Code of Conduct Standards policy, H.S Cool Point aims to create a sustainable and ethical supply chain that benefits everyone involved. We believe that working together with our suppliers, we can make a positive impact on the world.

Additional Information:

  • This policy is intended to be a general overview and may not address all aspects of our Supply Chain Code of Conduct Standards.
  • Suppliers are encouraged to contact the H.S Cool Point Procurement department for any questions or clarifications regarding this policy.
  • H.S Cool Point is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations related to supply chain social responsibility.

By adhering to these in-depth standards and working collaboratively with suppliers, H.S Cool Point can ensure a responsible and ethical supply chain that contributes to a more just and sustainable world.

H.S Cool Point

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